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Research Articles

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HIV diagnoses in migrant populations in Australia-A changing epidemiology.

Gunaratnam P, Heywood AE, McGregor S, Jamil MS, McManus H, Mao L, Lobo R, Brown G, Hellard M, Marukutira T, Bretaña NA, Lang C, Medland N, Bavinton B, Grulich A, Guy R

Antimicrobial and inflammatory properties of South African clinical Lactobacillus isolates and vaginal probiotics.

Chetwin E, Manhanzva MT, Abrahams AG, Froissart R, Gamieldien H, Jaspan H, Jaumdally SZ, Barnabas SL, Dabee S, Happel AU, Bowers D, Davids L, Passmore JS, Masson L

Analgesia during Labor and Vaginal Birth among Women with Severe Maternal Morbidity: Secondary Analysis from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.

Souza MA, Guida JPS, Cecatti JG, Souza JP, Gulmezoglu AM, Betran AP, Torloni MR, Vogel JP, Costa ML

Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005-2016.

Kwon JA, Iversen J, Law M, Dolan K, Wand H, Maher L

Priority use cases for antibody-detecting assays of recent malaria exposure as tools to achieve and sustain malaria elimination.

Greenhouse B, Daily J, Guinovart C, Goncalves B, Beeson J, Bell D, Chang MA, Cohen JM, Ding X, Domingo G, Eisele TP, Lammie PJ, Mayor A, Merienne N, Monteiro W, Painter J, Rodriguez I, White M, Drakeley C, Mueller I, Malaria Serology Convening

Acceptability of general practice services for Afghan refugees in south-eastern Melbourne.

Manchikanti P, Cheng IH, Advocat J, Russell G