People Born in Non-Main English Speaking Countries Are Less Likely to Start HIV Treatment Early in Australia: A National Cohort Analysis, 2014-15.
Gunaratnam P, McManus H, Watchirs-Smith L, McGregor S, Callander D, Brown G, Lobo R, OʼConnor C, Hellard M, Medland N, Lewis D, Palmer C, Law M, Gray R, Donovan B, Guy R, ACCESS Steering Committee
Developing a culturally appropriate illustrated tool for the self-collection of anorectal specimens for the testing of sexually transmitted infections: lessons from Papua New Guinea.
Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S, Ase S, Boli-Neo R, Vallely AJ, Badman SG, Nightingale CE, Wapling J
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)