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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The case for a universal hepatitis C vaccine to achieve hepatitis C elimination.

Scott N, Wilson DP, Thompson AJ, Barnes E, El-Sayed M, Benzaken AS, Drummer HE, Hellard ME

Comparing Australian gay and bisexual men with undiagnosed and recently diagnosed HIV infection to those in the National HIV Registry.

Down I, Prestage G, Brown G, Ellard J, Guy R, Hellard M, Wilson D, de Wit J, Stoové M, Holt M

Linkage and retention in HCV care for HIV-infected populations: early data from the DAA era.

Sacks-Davis R, Doyle JS, Rauch A, Beguelin C, Pedrana AE, Matthews GV, Prins M, van der Valk M, Klein MB, Saeed S, Lacombe K, Chkhartishvili N, Altice FL, Hellard ME

Anti-Influenza Hyperimmune Immunoglobulin Enhances Fc-Functional Antibody Immunity During Human Influenza Infection.

Vanderven HA, Wragg K, Ana-Sosa-Batiz F, Kristensen AB, Jegaskanda S, Wheatley AK, Wentworth D, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Rockman S, Kent SJ, INSIGHT FLU005 Pilot Study Writing Group

Quality improvement can reduce unintended extubations.

Spotswood N, Keir A

Human Immunization With a Polymorphic Malaria Vaccine Candidate Induced Antibodies to Conserved Epitopes That Promote Functional Antibodies to Multiple Parasite Strains.

Feng G, Boyle MJ, Cross N, Chan JA, Reiling L, Osier F, Stanisic DI, Mueller I, Anders RF, McCarthy JS, Richards JS, Beeson JG