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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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“They just don’t care about us!”: Police custody experiences for young men with histories of injecting drug use.

Walker SJ, Higgs P, Stoove MA, Wilson M

“They just don’t care about us!”: Police custody experiences for young men with histories of injecting drug use.
Adding quality to quantity in randomized controlled trials of addiction prevention and treatment: a new framework to facilitate the integration of qualitative research.

Maher L, Neale J

Adding quality to quantity in randomized controlled trials of addiction prevention and treatment: a new framework to facilitate the integration of qualitative research.
Sexually transmissible infections among transgender men and women attending Australian sexual health clinics.

Callander D, Cook T, Read P, Hellard ME, Fairley CK, Kaldor JM, Vlahakis E, Pollack A, Bourne C, Russell DB, Guy RJ, Donovan B

Sexually transmissible infections among transgender men and women attending Australian sexual health clinics.
Comparison of knowledge of HIV status and treatment coverage between non-citizens and citizens: Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP).

Marukutira T, Block L, Alwano MG, Behel S, Jarvis JN, Chakalisa U, Powis K, Novitsky V, Bapati W, Wang H, Ussery F, Lebelonyane R, Mills LA, Moore J, Bachanas P

Comparison of knowledge of HIV status and treatment coverage between non-citizens and citizens: Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP).
Mode of delivery among nulliparous women with single, cephalic, term pregnancies: The WHO global survey on maternal and perinatal health, 2004-2008.

Harrison MS, Betrán AP, Vogel JP, Goldenberg RL, Gülmezoglu AM

Mode of delivery among nulliparous women with single, cephalic, term pregnancies: The WHO global survey on maternal and perinatal health, 2004-2008.
One Health, Bioethics, and Nonhuman Ethics.

Coghlan S, Coghlan B

One Health, Bioethics, and Nonhuman Ethics.