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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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BioStructMap: a Python tool for integration of protein structure and sequence-based features.

Guy AJ, Irani V, Richards JS, Ramsland PA

A ‘messenger of sex’? Making testosterone matter in motivations for anabolic-androgenic steroid injecting.

Fomiatti R, Latham JR, Fraser S, Moore D, Seear K, Aitken C

Factors associated with adverse outcomes during influenza outbreaks in aged care facilities.

Tennant E, Fletcher S, Kakar S, Najjar Z, Lord H, Clark P, Gupta L

No neurocognitive advantage for immediate antiretroviral treatment in adults with greater than 500 CD4+ T-cell counts.

Wright EJ, Grund B, Robertson KR, Cysique L, Brew BJ, Collins GL, Poehlman-Roediger M, Vjecha MJ, Penalva de Oliveira AC, Standridge B, Carey C, Avihingsanon A, Florence E, Lundgren JD, Arenas-Pinto A, Mueller NJ, Winston A, Nsubuga MS, Lal L, Price RW, INSIGHT START Neurology Substudy Group

Progress to Control and Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants in the Southern African Development Community Region.

Britton A, Caron A, Bedane B

Integrative biomarkers of biologic aging in HIV.

Rajasuriar R, Palmer C, Abdel-Mohsen M, Kamaruzzaman SB