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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Effects of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on Sexual Risk Behavior in Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Traeger MW, Schroeder SE, Wright EJ, Hellard ME, Cornelisse VJ, Doyle JS, Stoové MA

Achieving 90-90-90 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Targets Will Not Be Enough to Achieve the HIV Incidence Reduction Target in Australia.

Scott N, Stoové M, Kelly SL, Wilson DP, Hellard ME

'Teach-back' is a simple communication tool that improves disease knowledge in people with chronic hepatitis B - a pilot randomized controlled study.

Tran S, Bennett G, Richmond J, Nguyen T, Ryan M, Hong T, Howell J, Demediuk B, Desmond P, Bell S, Thompson A

Characteristics and circumstances of heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths: Comparison across opioids.

Roxburgh A, Hall WD, Gisev N, Degenhardt L

The embodied relationality of blood-borne viruses: How families matter in the context of a stigmatised viral infection.

Persson A, Newman CE, Valentine K, Hamilton M, Bryant J, Wallace J

Identifying Immune Correlates of Protection Against Plasmodium falciparum Through a Novel Approach to Account for Heterogeneity in Malaria Exposure.

Valmaseda A, Macete E, Nhabomba A, Guinovart C, Aide P, Bardají A, Bassat Q, Nhampossa T, Maculuve S, Casellas A, Quintó L, Sanz S, Jiménez A, Feng G, Langer C, Reiling L, Reddy KS, Pandey A, Chitnis CE, Chauhan VS, Aguilar R, Aponte JJ, Dobaño C, Beeson JG, Gaur D, Menéndez C, Alonso PL, Mayor A