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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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A quasi-experimental text messaging trial to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health and smoking knowledge in Indonesia.

Pedrana AE, Pina J, Padmawati RS, Zuhrina R, Lazuardi L, Lim MSC, Hellard ME, Prabandari YS

The Role of Malaria Parasite Heat Shock Proteins in Protein Trafficking and Remodelling of Red Blood Cells.

Jonsdottir TK, Gabriela M, Gilson PR

Nonrandom Selection and Multiple Blood Feeding of Human Hosts by Anopheles Vectors: Implications for Malaria Transmission in Papua New Guinea.

Keven JB, Katusele M, Vinit R, Rodríguez-Rodríguez D, Hetzel MW, Robinson LJ, Laman M, Karl S, Foran DR, Walker ED

Optima TB: A tool to help optimally allocate tuberculosis spending.

Goscé L, Abou Jaoude GJ, Kedziora DJ, Benedikt C, Hussain A, Jarvis S, Skrahina A, Klimuk D, Hurevich H, Zhao F, Fraser-Hurt N, Cheikh N, Gorgens M, Wilson DJ, Abeysuriya R, Martin-Hughes R, Kelly SL, Roberts A, Stuart RM, Palmer T, Panovska-Griffiths J, Kerr CC, Wilson DP, Haghparast-Bidgoli H, Skordis J, Abubakar I

Psychiatric well-being among men leaving prison reporting a history of injecting drug use: A longitudinal analysis.

Stewart AC, Cossar R, Lee Wilkinson A, Scott N, Dietze P, Quinn B, Kinner SA, Aitken C, Walker S, Curtis M, Butler T, Ogloff JRP, Stoové M

Correlates of anxiety and depression in a community cohort of people who smoke methamphetamine.

Duncan Z, Kippen R, Sutton K, Ward B, Agius PA, Quinn B, Dietze P