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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Tracking the decline in Australian adolescent drinking into adulthood.

Livingston M, Callinan S, Vashishtha R, Yuen WS, Dietze P

Tracking the decline in Australian adolescent drinking into adulthood.
Indigenous Australian drinking risk: Comparing risk categorisations based on recall of recent drinking occasions to AUDIT-C screening in a representative sample.

Conigrave JH, Conigrave KM, Wilson S, Lee KSK

Indigenous Australian drinking risk: Comparing risk categorisations based on recall of recent drinking occasions to AUDIT-C screening in a representative sample.
Scaling up sexually transmissible infections point-of-care testing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: healthcare workers' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators.

Lafferty L, Smith K, Causer L, Andrewartha K, Whiley D, Badman SG, Donovan B, Anderson L, Tangey A, Mak D, Maher L, Shephard M, Guy R, TTANGO2 Collaboration

Scaling up sexually transmissible infections point-of-care testing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: healthcare workers' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators.
A prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study for the Truenat tuberculosis assays.

Penn-Nicholson AP, Gomathi SN, Ugarte-Gil C, Meaza A, Lavu E, Patel P, Choudhury B, Rodrigues C, Chadha S, Kazi M, Macé A, Nabeta P, Boehme C, Gangakhedkar RR, Sarin S, Tesfaye E, Gotuzzo E, du Cros P, Tripathy S, Ruhwald M, Singh M, Denkinger CM, Schumacher SG

Global Infectious Disease Threats Tuberculosis (TB) A prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study for the Truenat tuberculosis assays.
Editorial: Outcome reporting in midwifery research.

Matvienko-Sikar K, Homer C

Editorial: Outcome reporting in midwifery research.
Social Media as a Tool for Consumer Engagement in Hospital Quality Improvement and Service Design: Barriers and Enablers for Implementation.

Walsh L, Hyett N, Howley J, Juniper N, Li C, MacLeod-Smith B, Rodier S, Hill S

Social Media as a Tool for Consumer Engagement in Hospital Quality Improvement and Service Design: Barriers and Enablers for Implementation.