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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Antibody Targets and Properties for Complement-Fixation Against the Circumsporozoite Protein in Malaria Immunity.

Kurtovic L, Drew DR, Dent AE, Kazura JW, Beeson JG

Integrating HPV vaccination programs with enhanced cervical cancer screening and treatment, a systematic review.

Wirtz C, Mohamed Y, Engel D, Sidibe A, Holloway M, Bloem P, Kumar S, Brotherton J, Reis V, Morgan C

Bone marrow sinusoidal endothelium controls terminal erythroid differentiation and reticulocyte maturation.

Heil J, Olsavszky V, Busch K, Klapproth K, de la Torre C, Sticht C, Sandorski K, Hoffmann J, Schönhaber H, Zierow J, Winkler M, Schmid CD, Staniczek T, Daniels DE, Frayne J, Metzgeroth G, Nowak D, Schneider S, Neumaier M, Weyer V, Groden C, Gröne HJ, Richter K, Mogler C, Taketo MM, Schledzewski K, Géraud C, Goerdt S, Koch PS

The effectiveness of interventions on nutrition social behaviour change communication in improving child nutritional status within the first 1000 days: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Mahumud RA, Uprety S, Wali N, Renzaho AMN, Chitekwe S

A multi-site, nurse-coordinated hepatitis C model of care in primary care and community services in Melbourne, Australia.

Harney BL, Whitton B, Paige E, Brereton R, Weiss R, Membrey D, Wade AJ, Iser D, Kemp W, Roberts SK, Spelman T, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard ME, Doyle JS

Awareness, value and use of the Australian living guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19: an impact evaluation.

Millard T, Elliott JH, Green S, Tendal B, Vogel JP, Norris S, Tate R, Turner T, National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce