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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The relative effectiveness of three and four doses of COVID-19 vaccine in Victoria, Australia: A data linkage study.

Canevari JT, Cheng AC, Wu L, Rowe SL, Wollersheim DE, West D, Majumdar SS, Sullivan SG

COVID-19 The relative effectiveness of three and four doses of COVID-19 vaccine in Victoria, Australia: A data linkage study.
Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial.

EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group

Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial.
What influences young females to choose stem courses?

Shellshear E, Betrand R, Shellshear E

What influences young females to choose stem courses?
Effectiveness of community-based oral antiviral treatments against severe COVID-19 outcomes in people 70 years and over in Victoria, Australia, 2022: an observational study

Van Heer C, Majumdar SS, Parta I, Martinie M, Dawson R, West D, Hewett L, Lister D, Sutton B, O’Brien DP, Cowie BC

COVID-19 Effectiveness of community-based oral antiviral treatments against severe COVID-19 outcomes in people 70 years and over in Victoria, Australia, 2022: an observational study
Young People’s Recommendations for Accessible, Engaging, and Relevant COVID-19 Research Communication in Australia.

Douglass CH, Roe M, Raggatt M, Schlotthauer F, Swe ZY, Main S, Lim MSC, Masson L

COVID-19 Young People's Health Young People’s Recommendations for Accessible, Engaging, and Relevant COVID-19 Research Communication in Australia.
How is substance use portrayed in digital media and what impacts can it have?

Riordan B, Scarf D, Merrill JE, Lim MSC, Kuntsche E.

Alcohol + Other Drugs How is substance use portrayed in digital media and what impacts can it have?