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Research Articles

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Association of maternal prenatal copper concentration with gestational duration and preterm birth: a multicountry meta-analysis.

Monangi NK, Xu H, Fan YM, Khanam R, Khan W, Deb S, Pervin J, Price JT, Kaur L; INTERBIO-21st Study Consortium, Mahmud AA, Thanh LQ, Care A, Landero JA, Combs GF, Belling E, Chappell J, Chen J, Kong F, Lacher C, Ahmed S, Chowdhury NH, Rahman S, Kabir F, Nisar I, Hotwani A, Mehmood U, Nizar A, Khalid J, Dhingra U, Dutta A, Ali SM, Aftab F, Juma MH, Rahman M, Ahmed T, Islam MM, Vwalika B, Musonda P, Ashorn U, Maleta K, Hallman M, Goodfellow L, Gupta JK, Alfirevic A, Murphy SK, Rand L, Ryckman KK, Murray JC, Bahl R, Litch JA, Baruch-Gravett C, Sopory S, Natchu UCM, Kumar PV, Kumari N, Thiruvengadam R, Singh AK, Kumar P; GARBH-Ini Study Team, Alfirevic Z, Baqui AH, Bhatnagar S, Hirst JE, Hoyo C, Jehan F, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Rahman A, Roth DE, Sazawal S, Stringer JSA, Ashorn P, Zhang G, Muglia LJ.

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Association of maternal prenatal copper concentration with gestational duration and preterm birth: a multicountry meta-analysis.
Measuring HIV Acquisitions Among Partners of Key Populations: Estimates From HIV Transmission Dynamic Models.

Silhol R, Anderson RL, Stevens O, Stannah J, Booton RD, Baral S, Dimitrov D, Mitchell KM, Donnell D, Bershteyn A, Brown T, Kelly SL, Kim HY, Johnson LF, Maheu-Giroux M, Martin-Hughes R, Mishra S, Peerapatanapokin W, Stone J, Stover J, Teng Y, Vickerman P, Garcia SA, Korenromp E, Imai-Eaton JW, Boily MC.

HIV + AIDS Global Infectious Disease Threats Injecting Drug Use Measuring HIV Acquisitions Among Partners of Key Populations: Estimates From HIV Transmission Dynamic Models.
Comparison of Empirically Derived and Model-Based Estimates of Key Population HIV Incidence and the Distribution of New Infections by Population Group in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Stevens O, Anderson R, Stover J, Teng Y, Stannah J, Silhol R, Jones H, Booton RD, Martin-Hughes R, Johnson L, Maheu-Giroux M, Mishra S, Stone J, Bershteyn A, Kim HY, Sabin K, Mitchell KM, Dimitrov D, Baral S, Donnell D, Korenromp E, Rice B, Hargreaves JR, Vickerman P, Boily MC, Imai-Eaton JW.

HIV + AIDS Injecting Drug Use Comparison of Empirically Derived and Model-Based Estimates of Key Population HIV Incidence and the Distribution of New Infections by Population Group in Sub-Saharan Africa.
New HIV Infections Among Key Populations and Their Partners in 2010 and 2022, by World Region: A Multisources Estimation.

Korenromp EL, Sabin K, Stover J, Brown T, Johnson LF, Martin-Hughes R, Ten Brink D, Teng Y, Stevens O, Silhol R, Arias-Garcia S, Kimani J, Glaubius R, Vickerman P, Mahy M.

HIV + AIDS New HIV Infections Among Key Populations and Their Partners in 2010 and 2022, by World Region: A Multisources Estimation.
Living Systematic Reviews and Living Guidelines to Maintain the Currency of Public Health Guidelines.

Hodder RK, Vogel JP, Wolfenden L, Turner T.

Living Systematic Reviews and Living Guidelines to Maintain the Currency of Public Health Guidelines.
Lung Growth and Maturation (Book Chapter).

Harding R, McDougall ARA, Hooper SB

Lung Growth and Maturation (Book Chapter).