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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Expert consensus on novel medicines to prevent preterm birth and manage preterm labour: Target product profiles.

McDougall ARA, Tuttle A, Goldstein M, Ammerdorffer A, Aboud L, Gülmezoglu AM, Vogel JP.

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
A framework for considering the utility of models when facing tough decisions in public health: a guideline for policy-makers.

Thompson J, McClure R, Scott N, Hellard M, Abeysuriya R, Vidanaarachchi R, Thwaites J, Lazarus JV, Lavis J, Michie S, Bullen C, Prokopenko M, Chang SL, Cliff OM, Zachreson C, Blakely A, Wilson T, Ouakrim DA, Sundararajan V

Immunization with inactivated whole virus particle influenza virus vaccines improves the humoral response landscape in cynomolgus macaques.

Chua BY, Sekiya T, Koutsakos M, Nomura N, Rowntree LC, Nguyen THO, McQuilten HA, Ohno M, Ohara Y, Nishimura T, Endo M, Itoh Y, Habel JR, Selva KJ, Wheatley AK, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Kent SJ, Chung AW, Jackson DC, Brown LE, Shingai M, Kedzierska K, Kida H

Assessment of the lifetime prevalence and incidence of induced abortion and correlates among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: a secondary cohort analysis.

Simmelink AM, Gichuki CM, Ampt FH, Manguro G, Lim MSC, Agius P, Hellard M, Jaoko W, Stoové MA, L'Engle K, Temmerman M, Gichangi P, Luchters S

The onset and severity of acute opioid toxicity in heroin overdose cases: a retrospective cohort study at a supervised injecting facility in Melbourne, Australia.

Stam NC, Cogger S, Schumann JL, Weeks A, Roxburgh A, Dietze PM, Clark N

Midwifery continuity of care: A scoping review of where, how, by whom and for whom?

Bradford BF, Wilson AN, Portela A, McConville F, Fernandez Turienzo C, Homer CSE