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Sexting, porn, and Tinder: An investigation of education and health promotion


Open to:
Honours; Masters by Research



Disease Elimination Public Health Young People's Health; Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)  

Access to new technologies could present novel risks to young people’s sexual health. The emerging popularity of sexting, online pornography use, and dating apps has been linked in some studies to sexual risk behaviours (e.g. not using condoms or poor mental health).

There is very little known about educating young people about these topics. Many previous programs have taken a fear-based approach which tends to exaggerate the risks of these behaviours and promote abstinence as the only option. Other approaches, such as age verification and censorship, require further research to understand unintended adverse effects and public perceptions.

This project will investigate previous interventions and provide recommendations for future public health approaches. A mixed methods approach will involve content analysis and review of existing health promotion relating to sexting, pornography, and other new sexual media.


Associate Professor Megan SC Lim
Head, Young People’s Health; Deputy Program Director, Disease Elimination

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