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Exploring sexual and reproductive health needs of seasonal and long-term labour mobility workers from Vanuatu in Australia


Open to:
Honours; Masters by Research




Disease Elimination Public Health Hepatitis B; Sexual + Reproductive Health; Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)  

Australia and New Zealand operate labour mobility programs that provide short-term access for ‘unskilled’ workers from nine Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste to work in horticulture and agriculture and other industries. There are currently more than 35,000 seasonal and long-term workers in Australia including approximately 10,000 from Vanuatu. There are anecdotal reports of high rates of sexually transmitted infections, unmanaged chronic hepatitis B, unintended pregnancy and domestic violence experienced among seasonal workers however data are not available to quantify or describe the issue. Contributing factors are multifaceted such as, health literacy. Sexual risk behaviours among workers may include extramarital sexual relations or high rates of partner change. People living with chronic hepatitis B may be unaware of their status. Workers may have a limited understanding about Australian and New Zealand health and welfare services and there may be language, cultural or geographic barriers to accessing medical treatment. This student project involves collection of primary data to describe experience of sexual and reproductive health issues, management of chronic hepatitis B in Australia, domestic violence and unintended pregnancy among seasonal workers in Australia. It is anticipated that mixed methods will be used, including an online survey with current and former workers and focus groups with workers in Victoria. It is anticipated that this study will inform the development of a larger intervention to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services for seasonal workers and ultimately reduce the incidence of STIs, unintended pregnancies and domestic violence experienced among workers and improve management of chronic hepatitis B in Australia. 


Dr Caroline van Gemert
Senior Research Fellow

Caroline Van Gemert
Caroline van Gemert
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