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With special thanks to our 'Research Action Partners'

  • Thanks To You
  • 31 Aug 2023


Photo collage with Margery Nash, Fiona Athersmith, Libano Dias

Pictured left to right: Margery Nash, Fiona Athersmith, Libano Dias

A message from the Director

"A very special thanks this month goes out to every single one of our very generous Research Action Partners who give a regular gift every month. Here at Burnet we work month-by-month towards our broader goal of a healthier world, so it’s great to know our Research Action Partners are beside us every step of the way.”


Margery Nash

Research Action Partner Since 2015

“When I found out about the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies program being run in Papua New Guinea by Burnet, it spoke to me. I thought of all the young women in PNG expecting babies, wanting just what young mothers here want – a healthy baby. I’ve been donating every month ever since.”


Fiona Athersmith

Research Action Partner Since 2011

“Being a Research Action Partner is important to me. Every month when I make my contribution, it reminds me of how grateful I am to be in a position where I can help improve life for others who are living in far less privileged circumstances.”


Libano Dias

Research Action Partner Since 2016

“I have always possessed a keen interest in medical research. It’s one of the reasons why I support Burnet and the important and impressive work they do. I believe a monthly commitment can better assist Burnet to continue their amazing ongoing work.”


More information

If you would like more information about becoming one of our Research Action Partners, please visit our monthly giving page or contact us at:

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