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Virucidal activity of the dendrimer microbicide SPL7013 against HIV-1.

Serosorting and sexual risk behaviour according to different casual partnership types among MSM: the...

Absence of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1, PECAM-1/CD31, in vivo increases resistance...

The impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation on anti-malarial antibodies in pregnant women in ...

Seroprevalence of equine herpesvirus 1 in thoroughbred foals before and after weaning.

Does the shortage of diabetes specialists in regional and rural Australia matter? Results from Diabe...

Fas ligand-mediated lysis of self bystander targets by human papillomavirus-specific CD8+ cytotoxic ...

Cross-species analysis of Fc engineered anti-Lewis-Y human IgG1 variants in human neonatal receptor ...

Using 17th century medication for modern diabetes management: Doctors' perceptions of self-medicatio...

Serological detection of attenuated HIV-1 variants with nef gene deletions.