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The Asymmetric Cell Division Regulators Par3, Scribble and Pins/Gpsm2 Are Not Essential for Erythroi...

Quantitative phase and refractive index analysis of optical fibers using differential interference c...

Modelling the potential impact of mask use in schools and society on COVID-19 control in the UK. (1)

BiQ Analyzer: visualization and quality control for DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing.

PMRT1, a Plasmodium-Specific Parasite Plasma Membrane Transporter, Is Essential for Asexual and Sexu...

Defining the Essential Exportome of the Malaria Parasite.

Export of virulence proteins by malaria-infected erythrocytes involves remodeling of host actin cyto...

Virus-Like Particles Containing the E2 Core Domain of Hepatitis C Virus Generate Broadly Neutralizin...

The Duffy-null state is associated with a survival advantage in leukopenic HIV-infected persons of A...

Biochemical analysis of PKR activation by PACT.