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Host immunity to Plasmodium falciparum and the assessment of emerging artemisinin resistance in a mu...

Identification of four different CD46 (MCP) molecules with anti-peptide antibodies.

Reverse transcriptase mutations in sequential HIV-1 isolates in a patient with AIDS.

Quantitative investigation of the refractive-index modulation within the core of a fiber Bragg grati...

Interaction with simian Hck tyrosine kinase reveals convergent evolution of the Nef protein from sim...

Expression of HIV-1 nef in yeast: the 27 kDa Nef protein is myristylated and fractionates with the n...

A possible outbreak of listeriosis caused by an unusual strain of Listeria monocytogenes.

Use of a flavivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase assay to investigate the antiviral activity of sele...

The subtypes of human immunodeficiency virus in Australia and Asia.

Using Wolbachia to Eliminate Dengue: Will the Virus Fight Back?