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MiD49 and MiD51, new components of the mitochondrial fission machinery.

Peptide binding sites recognized by anti-mucin (MUC2) monoclonal antibodies.

CTL granules: evolution of vesicles essential for combating virus infections.

The dengue virus M protein localises to the endoplasmic reticulum and forms oligomers.

Severe hepatitis and prolonged hepatitis B virus-specific CD8 T-cell response after selection of hep...

Alpha+ -thalassaemia and malaria in Melanesia: epidemiological perspectives.

Activated platelets in the tumor microenvironment for targeting of antibody-drug conjugates to tumor...

The Ins and Outs of Plasmodium Rhoptries, Focusing on the Cytosolic Side.

Host-directed therapy, an untapped opportunity for antimalarial intervention.

Tripeptide analogues of MG132 as protease inhibitors.