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Defence against the immune barrage: helminth survival strategies.

Tissues in different anatomical sites can sculpt and vary the tumor microenvironment to affect respo...

Breast cancer immunotherapy: current status and future prospects.

The immunogenicity of reassortants of the cold-adapted influenza A master strain A/Ann Arbor/6/60 is...

Trends in notifiable infectious diseases in China: implications for surveillance and population heal...

A new electron microscope positive staining method for viruses in suspension.

Colonization of the respiratory tract by a virulent strain of avian Escherichia coli requires carria...

Accessory function for NK1.1+ natural killer cells producing interferon-gamma in xenospecific cytoto...

Expression of MUC2 gene in gastric regenerative, metaplastic, and neoplastic epithelia.

Studies with GFP-Vpr fusion proteins: induction of apoptosis but ablation of cell-cycle arrest despi...