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Lipid metabolism in patients infected with Nef-deficient HIV-1 strain.

Mannan derivatives induce phenotypic and functional maturation of mouse dendritic cells.

Assessing alternative base substitutions at primer CpG sites to optimise unbiased PCR amplification ...

The tetraspanin protein CD37 regulates IgA responses and anti-fungal immunity.

TLR3 drives IRF6-dependent IL-23p19 expression and p19/EBI3 heterodimer formation in keratinocytes.

The SR-BI partner PDZK1 facilitates hepatitis C virus entry.

Exceptionally long CDR3H of bovine scFv antigenized with BoHV-1 B-epitope generates specific immune ...

Alternative coreceptor requirements for efficient CCR5- and CXCR4-mediated HIV-1 entry into macropha...

Patient-specific record linkage between emergency department and hospital admission data for a cohor...

Covariance of charged amino acids at positions 322 and 440 of HIV-1 Env contributes to coreceptor sp...