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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Direct evidence for new T-cell generation by patients after either T-cell-depleted or unmodified all...

Incarceration history and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drug...

Calcium supplementation to prevent pre-eclampsia: protocol for an individual participant data meta-a...

Claudin association with CD81 defines hepatitis C virus entry.

A prospective evaluation of the symptom-based screening approach to the management of children who a...

HNF-1alpha G319S, a transactivation-deficient mutant, is associated with altered dynamics of diabete...

A role for IL-5 in the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo.

A new approach to fecal occult blood testing based on the detection of haptoglobin.

Systemic activation of dendritic cells by Toll-like receptor ligands or malaria infection impairs cr...

Amplification of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli by gene cloning.