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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Contemporary pathways to adolescent pregnancy in Indonesia: A qualitative investigation with adolescent girls in West Java and Central Sulawesi.

Age-related differences in patterns of criminal activity among a large sample of polydrug injectors in Australia.

Prevalence and incidence of sexually transmitted infections among South African women initiating injectable and long-acting contraceptives.

From 'Pen Sao' to 'Tue Pa': Understanding diverse pathways to adolescent pregnancy in Lao People's D...

From 'Pen Sao' to 'Tue Pa': Understanding diverse pathways to adolescent pregnancy in Lao People's Democratic Republic through qualitative investigation with girls in Vientiane Capital, Vientiane Province, and Luang Namtha..

Implications of nicotine vaping products for tobacco control in ASEAN low-income and middle-income c...

Acceptability of an on-demand pericoital oral contraceptive pill: a systematic scoping review.

‘Our culture makes us strong’: Understanding and working with community strengths among Aboriginal people in western Sydney.

Codesigning enhanced models of care for Northern Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander yo...

Have the personality and socio-demographic profiles of Australian adolescent drinkers changed?