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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Refugees and displaced persons. War, hunger, and public health.

Understanding the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, knowledge and barriers to treatment and pr...

Genital tract inflammation during early HIV-1 infection predicts higher plasma viral load set point ...

Linear growth in preschool children treated with mass azithromycin distributions for trachoma: A clu...

An exploratory study of treated-bed nets in Timor-Leste: patterns of intended and alternative usage....

Mental health of adolescents in Myanmar: A systematic review of prevalence, determinants and interve...

Reducing deaths from severe pneumonia in children in Malawi by improving delivery of pneumonia case ...

Menstrual hygiene management and school absenteeism among adolescent students in Indonesia: evidence...

Subgrouping of respiratory syncytial virus strains from Australia and Papua New Guinea by biological...

Chlamydia sentinel surveillance in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services finds higher test