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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

History of Burnet | Burnet Institute

Burnet has been changing lives since 1986, but its origins can be traced back much further than that. Discover our history.

Inclusion of Indigenous Australians in biobanks: a step to reducing inequity in health care.

'It's always just there in your face': young people's views on porn.

Healthy Minds Healthy Futures: improving mental health and wellbeing of young people in Myanmar

We are testing new ways to support young people’s mental health in Myanmar. We're working with young people in urban and rural areas. Together, we’re designing and evaluating a model of community services and supports. The model is designed to support mental health and reduce mental health-related stigma.

PHOTOVOICE: Voice for young at-risk TB patients

'Weekend on the town': discrete sessions of drug use for a sample of young psychostimulant users.

A community-based co-designed genetic health service model for Aboriginal Australians.

African Australians living with HIV: a case series from Victoria.

Performance of diagnosis-based risk adjustment measures in a population of sick Australians.

Young people’s health in 2024: results from the Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll survey