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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Advances in mass spectrometry technologies to characterize cervicovaginal microbiome functions that impact spontaneous preterm birth.

'I Was Attracted to Him Because of His Money’: Changing Forms of Polygyny in Contemporary Papua New Guinea.

Advances in mass spectrometry technologies to characterize cervicovaginal microbiome functions that ...

Botswana should consider expansion of free antiretroviral therapy to immigrants.

TB burden and diagnostic challenges at Sandaun Provincial Hospital in West Sepik Province of PNG, 20...

"They start on the zero-alcohol and they wanna try the real thing": Parents' views on zero-alcohol b...

Music festival attendees' transport mode and beliefs about alcohol and illicit drug use before driving in Victoria, Australia.

Gonorrhoea gone wild: rising incidence of gonorrhoea and associated risk factors among gay and bisex...

Using simulation modelling to examine the impact of venue lockout and last-drink policies on drinkin...

Nucleotide sequence coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli. UUG initiatio...