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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Impact evaluation of a youth sexually transmissible infection awareness campaign using routinely col...

Sex and sport: chlamydia screening in rural sporting clubs.

Antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADP) responses following trivalent inactivated influenza vaccinatio...

Population-level diagnosis and care cascade for chlamydia in Australia.

Maternal and perinatal outcomes among nulliparous adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: a...

Sexual health promotion on social networking sites: a process evaluation of The FaceSpace Project.

Australian women's experiences of living with hepatitis C virus: results from a cross-sectional surv...

Deployable laboratory response to influenza pandemic; PCR assay field trials and comparison with ref...

Achieving a hepatitis C cure: a qualitative exploration of the experiences and meanings of achieving...

Australian men's experiences of living with hepatitis C virus: results from a cross-sectional survey...