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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Early union, 'disgrasya', and prior adversity and disadvantage: pathways to adolescent pregnancy amo...

Addressing multiple modifiable risks through structured community-based Learning Clubs to improve ma...

Trends in fentanyl prescriptions and fentanyl-related mortality in Australia.

Sexual partner types and related sexual health risk among out-of-school adolescents in rural south-w...

Understanding male sexual behaviour in planning HIV prevention programmes: lessons from Laos, a low ...

Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer: Gardasil vaccination status and knowledge amongst a nation...

Prescription of opioid analgesics and related harms in Australia.

Trends in heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths in Australia.

Acquisition of HIV by African-born residents of Victoria, Australia: insights from molecular epidemi...

Beliefs and attitudes of drug and alcohol clinicians when considering referral of Aboriginal clients...