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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Pills and pints: risky drinking and alcohol-related harms among regular ecstasy users in Australia.

Chlamydia among Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people attending sexual health s...

Perspectives on the use of modelling and economic analysis to guide HIV programmes in sub-Saharan Af...

Are drug detection dogs and mass-media campaigns likely to be effective policy responses to psychost...

Extending drug ethno-epidemiology using agent-based modelling.

Influences on the drinking of heavier drinkers: Interactional realities in seeking to 'change drinki...

The State of the World's Midwifery 2021 report: findings to drive global policy and practice.

Indigenous Australian drinking risk: Comparing risk categorisations based on recall of recent drinki...

Delaying sexual debut amongst out-of-school youth in rural southwest Uganda.

Patterns of drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as self-reported on the Grog S...