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Search results for “Pornography the Norm for Young Australians”

Language of Health of Young Australian Adults: A Qualitative Exploration of Perceptions of Health, Wellbeing and Health Promotion via Online Conversations.

A randomised controlled trial using mobile advertising to promote safer sex and sun safety to young ...

The effect of Instagram #fitspiration images on young women's mood, body image, and exercise behavio...

Communicating health-Optimising young adults' engagement with health messages using social media: St...

Correlates of alcohol consumption on heavy drinking occasions of young risky drinkers: event versus ...

Measuring the accuracy of self-reported height and weight in a community-based sample of young peopl...

A certain fate: spread of HIV among young injecting drug users in Manipur, north-east India.

Impact of text and email messaging on the sexual health of young people: a randomised controlled tri...

Surveillance of drug use among young people attending a music festival in Australia, 2005-2008.

Microbial function and genital inflammation in young South African women at high risk of HIV infecti...