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Infectious Diseases Implementation Science

Co-Heads: Dr Alisa Pedrana and Professor Margaret Hellard

The Infectious Diseases Implementation Science working group is a multidisciplinary team which aims to improve the implementation of interventions in diverse settings and to provide evidence for what works. 

We have a strong focus on the prevention, control and elimination of viral hepatitis, HIV and coronavirus (COVID-19), particularly among key populations, such as: people who inject drugs, young people, migrant populations, men who have sex with men, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. 

Our objective is to improve population health by addressing the social determinants of health. More broadly, we aim to contribute towards global elimination targets for viral hepatitis, HIV and COVID-19, and contribute to Sustainable Development Goals.

We design and evaluate health interventions to reduce the transmission and impact of blood borne viruses and to improve the health of key populations. We aim to generate ‘real world’ evidence on what works: and inform better public health policy and practice.

Our multidisciplinary team uses mixed methodologies and participatory approaches to develop, trial, and evaluate interventions, assessing their effectiveness and impact.

Our methods and tools include:

  • Partnering with affected communities to inform and develop health responses
  •  Co-design evidence-based interventions
  • Training and capacity building
  • Designing and planning for implementation at-scale
  • Health system strengthening
  • Translating evidence into practice
  • Program management, measurement, evaluation, and cost-effectiveness

Our group works in partnership with policymakers, practitioners and communities to facilitate the uptake of evidence-based practice, research and innovation into a wide range of health systems and across the community. 

Our research has contributed towards innovative local and national programs that have improved health outcomes for communities at risk or living with infectious diseases.

Our group is engaged in multiple ongoing programs and campaigns including:

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Doctor Alisa Pedrana

Dr Pedrana BBmedSc (hons), PhD (Public Health) is a senior research fellow and public health practitioner, who co-leads the Public Health discipline at Burnet Institute. She holds an adjunct research fellow position at Monash University and Co-lead’s the Health Services Research and Implementation Platform at Monash Partners.



Meet the working group. Together, we are translating research into better health, for all.


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CUTTS HepC: Catalysing uptake of under-utilised tools & treatment simplification for HepC
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Eliminate C (EC) Victoria Partnership
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Health Systems Strengthening Program For Sexually Transmitted Infections (Stis) And Blood Borne Viruses (Bbvs) In A Regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Health Systems Strengthening Program for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) in a regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
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Hepatitis C: Community Testing and Treatment (CT2)
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HCV Elimination Modelling
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Modelling hepatitis C virus elimination and control policies in Myanmar
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PRONTO! Rapid HIV point-of-care testing in Victoria
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Social Networks and the Hepatitis C Virus
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The elimination of hepatitis C as a global public health threat
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The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19
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Understanding the needs of multicultural communities (VOICE partnership)
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Connect C
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