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Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer Group

Co-Heads: Associate Professor Jessica Howell and Professor Margaret Hellard

Hepatitis B infection is a major global killer: without treatment, two people die every minute from liver failure and liver cancer. 

Primary liver cancer is one of the fastest growing cancer and the third commonest cause of cancer death in Australia and worldwide.

Our work uses diverse research methods to identify the enablers and barriers to achieving hepatitis B and liver cancer elimination worldwide.

Our strategic research pillars are:

  • To prevent mother to child hepatitis B transmission and improved vaccination coverage
  •  To improve hepatitis B testing, linkage to care and treatment uptake to achieve WHO 2030 hepatitis B elimination targets
  • To increase prevention and early diagnosis of primary liver cancer

Our team have expertise in mathematical modelling, novel diagnostics development, epidemiology, health systems intervention trials and qualitative methods.

Our hepatitis B and liver cancer research programs leverage our unique cross-centre partnership with St Vincent’s Hospital/ University of Melbourne and global collaborations to achieve maximal clinical impact.

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Associate Professor Jessica Howell

Jessica is consultant gastroenterologist at St Vincent's Hospital and The Royal Melbourne Hospital, with a research interest in liver cancer and viral hepatitis.



Meet the working group. Together, we are translating research into better health, for all.


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Cancer information compared to Hepatitis B information to INcreAse hepatitis B testing in Melbourne’s Chinese community (CHINA-B study)
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Concurrent liver diseases in liver transplant recipients in Australia
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Eliminate C Australia- Impact of hepatitis C cure on hepatitis C related liver morbidity and mortality
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HOMER2 study
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Identifying the barriers to hepatitis B clinical management: the perspectives of people with hepatitis B
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Identifying the structural enablers to the clinical management of people with hepatitis B in general practice: a qualitative investigation
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Liver Cancer Optimal Care Pathway- The OCP HCC Study
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Modelling for evidence-based national hepatitis B testing plans
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