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Young Adults and Alcohol Study

The Young Adults and Alcohol Study is a prospective cohort study of 800 young risky drinkers recruited in Melbourne in 2012 through computer assisted telephone interviewing.

2011-2017 (Completed)

The cohort were followed up in 2013 and again in 2015 with some recruited into the MIDY study at that time.

Key findings highlight how most consumption occurred in private residences and that event-level characteristics such as the number of drinking venues visited were associated with increased consumption, whereas personal characteristics such as income levels were not.

Paul Dietze

Professor Paul Dietze

Please contact Professor Paul Dietze for more information about this project.


Partners +

  • Professor Robin Room, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research
  • Dr Michael Livingston, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research
  • Dr Sarah Callinan, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research
  • Professor David Moore, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University