In 2013 HCV treatment was transformed through the availability of all-oral direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy. In as little as 8–12 weeks of treatment, >95 per cent of patients are cured of HCV, including HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals whose previous cure rates were <50 per cent.
In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) set targets for the elimination of hepatitis C as a public health threat by 2030, including an 80 per cent reduction in HCV incidence and 65 per cent reduction in HCV-related mortality. This is a major undertaking given the estimated 59 million people infected in 2020. New absolute targets to guide HCV elimination validation were added in 2021.
PHIV are a key population for HCV elimination, as HCV infection is both more common among PHIV and liver disease progresses more rapidly than in individuals without HIV. HIV/HCV co-infection results in higher rates of HCV-related mortality relative to those with HCV alone. Moreover, regular clinic visits for HIV care provide opportunities for (early) HCV diagnosis and treatment in this group.
The International Collaboration of Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV Cohorts (InCHEHC) was established in 2017 to track progress and guide policy on elimination of HCV in PHIV.
InCHEHC’s first project examined the HCV care cascade in people living with HIV in five countries (Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland). Since then, a cohort from Spain has joined the collaboration. The first data merge of individual-level data was conducted in 2020-2021 and included >100,000 participants. A new data merge is expected in 2023. Cohorts included in InCHEHC were chosen due to the availability of broad access to DAA therapies in their respective country or jurisdiction, while still having differences in HCV healthcare-related policies (e.g., HCV RNA testing), a large coverage of PHIV or a representative sample of PHIV in their setting, long-standing cohort data among PHIV including HCV-related clinical data collection, and/or detailed HCV-related behavioural data.
This large international cohort will assess progress towards the WHO elimination targets during the target period (2016-2030) and identify areas for refinement of policy and practice.

Requena MB, Protopopescu C, Stewart AC, van Santen DK, Klein MB, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Wittkop L, Salmon D, Rauch A, Prins M, van der Valk M, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard ME, Carrieri P, Lacombe K; InCHEHC Collaboration (2024)
International Journal of Drug Policy
Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Boyd A, Young J, Stewart A, Doyle JS, Rauch A, Mugglin C, Klein M, van der Valk M, Smit C, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Lacombe K, Requena MB, Wittkop L, Leleux O, Bonnet F, Salmon D, Matthews GV, Guy R, Martin NK, Spelman T, Prins M, Stoove M, Hellard M; on behalf of the InCHEHC Collaboration (2024)
The Lancet HIV
Cohort Profile: International Collaboration on Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV Cohorts (InCHEHC)
van Santen DK, Stewart A, Doyle JS, Stoové MA, Asselin J, Klein MB, Young J, Berenguer J, Jarrin I, Lacombe K, Wittkop L, Leleux O, Salmon D, Bonnet F, Rauch A, Mugglin C, Matthews G, Prins M, Smit C, Boyd A, van der Valk M, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard ME; InCHEHC Study Group.(2024)
International Journal of Epidemiology
Isfordink CJ, Boyd A, Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Smit C, Martinello M, Stoove M, Berenguer J, Wittkop L, Klein MB, Rauch A, Salmon D, Lacombe K, Stewart A, Schinkel J, Doyle JS, Hellard M, van der Valk M, Matthews GV, InCHEHC study group (2023)
The Lancet, Public Health
van Santen DK, Sacks-Davis R, Stewart A, Boyd A, Young J, van der Valk M, Smit C, Rauch A, Braun DL, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Lazarus JV, Lacombe K, Requena MB, Wittkop L, Leleux O, Salmon D, Bonnet F, Matthews G, Doyle JS, Spelman T, Klein MB, Prins M, Asselin J, Stoové MA, Hellard M, InCHEHC study group (2022)
Linkage and retention in HCV care for HIV-infected populations: early data from the DAA era
Rachel Sacks-Davis, Joseph S Doyle, Andri Rauch, Charles Beguelin, Alisa E Pedrana, Gail V Matthews, Maria Prins, Marc van der Valk, Marina B Klein, Sahar Saeed, Karine Lacombe, Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, Frederick L Altice, Margaret E Hellard (2018)
Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Funding Partners
- This study is funded by the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council (Grant numbers GNT1132902 and GNT2020121). We gratefully acknowledge the contribution to this work of the Victorian Operational Infrastructure Support Program received by the Burnet Institute.
- We acknowledge the ANRS for funding an InCHEHC meeting at the International AIDS Society conference in Mexico in July 2019
Partners + Collaborators
- ACCESS (Australia): Nationwide linked database from primary care, community clinics, hospitals, and pathology laboratories
- AQUITAINE (France): Multi-site prospective hospital-based cohort (13 sites through South-Western France)
- ATHENA (Netherlands): Nationwide prospective cohort
- CCC (Canada): Nationwide multi-site prospective cohort study of people with HIV and HCV coinfection
- CEASE (Australia): Nationwide multi-site observational study
- CO-EC (Australia): Melbourne-based multi-site cohort recruited
- CORIS (Spain): Multicentre cohort study in 28 sites
- Icona (Italy): Nationwide prospective cohort
- MOSAIC (Netherlands): Multi-site prospective comparative study with and without acute HCV
- SAIDCC (France): Single-site (Bordeaux) hospital and clinic-recruited prospective cohort HEPAVIH (France): Nationwide multi-site prospective study from hospitals and HIV cohorts (29 sites)
- SWISS (Switzerland): Swiss HIV cohorts: Nationwide prospective cohort
Project Team
Meet the project team. Together, we are translating research into better health, for all.