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This project investigated some of the factors and correlates associated with alcohol-related violence in licensed venues and night-time entertainment precincts across five Australian cities (two regional and three metropolitan).

The primary aim of the project was to measure levels of pre-drinking, drinking in venues, intoxication, illicit drug use and harmful drinking practices (such as mixing with energy drinks) of patrons in entertainment areas, and relating this to offending, risky behaviour and harms experienced.

The project also investigated the effects of license type, trading hours, duration of drinking episodes and geographical location on intoxication, offending, violence and experience of harm.


Methods included patron interviews (incorporating breathalysing and random drug testing) and intensive venue observations.

The information gathered through this project will inform prevention and enforcement approaches of both police and venue staff.

Paul Dietze

Professor Paul Dietze

Please contact Professor Paul Dietze for more information about this project.



  • The National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund

Partners +

  • Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre