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Characteristics of tools that measure blood loss after birth: a new target product profile

Characteristics of tools that measure blood loss after birth: a new target product profile

We’re working on a document that describes the minimum and ideal characteristics of health products that measure blood loss after birth. This type of document is called a target product profile or TPP.

This TPP will help people design and develop effective and affordable products that accurately measure blood loss after vaginal birth. It aims to improve maternal health outcomes globally.

We would like your feedback on this document. Read the draft TPP (DOCX 143 KB), and share your thoughts in this survey.

The document is developed in collaboration with Concept Foundation.

Accurately measuring blood loss after birth

Postpartum haemorrhage is when a woman bleeds excessively after giving birth. Over 20% of maternal deaths are because of postpartum haemorrhage (Source: World Health Organization). This makes it the biggest reason for maternal deaths globally.

It can be easier to manage and treat postpartum haemorrhage when we spot it early. To do this, the World Health Organization recommends regular and accurate measurement of blood loss for all women who have just given birth.

Although there are many tools to measure blood loss after birth, some are not accurate, easy to use or affordable. Our TPP document describes the minimum and ideal characteristics of an effective tool to quickly and accurately identify postpartum haemorrhage.

This will especially help pregnant women in low- and middle- income countries, where rates of maternal death from postpartum haemorrhage are highest.

Your views on postpartum blood loss measurement

We’re looking for feedback from different experts to improve this TPP. We want to define the characteristics of a postpartum blood loss measurement tool that best meets global health needs.

We need your input. This survey will ask you to rate your agreement on the variables in the new TPP. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Your responses will be confidential. We do not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address. You can withdraw from the survey at any time by closing your browser before completing all the questions.

Take the survey (15 min)Read the TPP document (DOCX 143 KB)

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