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Nikon N-SIM / N-STORM super-resolution microscope

This state-of-the-art fluorescence microscope combines the N-SIM and N-STORM technologies to achieve the best possible resolution.

Features of this microscope are:

- Motorized inverted Nikon ECLIPSE Ti-E microscope
- Perfect focus system, motorized XY stage with encoders and piezo Z stage
- N-SIM Lasers: Sapphire 488-200 and 561-150 and Coherent OBIS 640-100 LX, 100mW
- N-STORM: Sapphire 488-100 and 561-100 and OBIS 405 and 647
- Imaging modes: TIRF-SIM, 2D-SIM, 3D-SIM, TIRF-STORM and 3D-STORM
- Andor Technology iXon DU897 EMCCD camera
- NIS-Elements software
- Objectives: 10X (0.45), 60x (1.27) and 100X (1.49)
- Resolution N-SIM: 100nm (XY axis) and 300nm (Z axis)
- Resolution N-STORM: 20nm (XY axis) and 50nm (Z axis)

Located in the BSL2 Containment Laboratory.