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Doctor Bridget Draper

Senior Research Officer

Bridget works as a Senior Research Officer in the Disease Elimination program, with a specific focus on viral hepatitis projects in low- and middle-income countries. She currently works on the TREAT-HEP Myanmar project and the HepC CUTTS project.

Bridget completed a Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) at RMIT and her honours in Health Sciences through Monash University at the Burnet Institute. Her honours project focussed on acceptability of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in Myanmar. In 2022, Bridget completed her PhD exploring how to provide hepatitis C testing and treatment in resource-constrained settings using implementation science and health service delivery research methods.

Her work involved evaluating hepatitis C treatment programs in specialist and primary care settings in Myanmar, including the CT2 Study and evaluation of the National Hepatitis Control Program.

  • 2022: Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia
  • 2015: Honours (Health Sciences), Monash University, Australia
  • 2014: Bachelor of Arts (International Studies), RMIT, Australia