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Tiffany Pe

Research assistant
Tiffany Pe headshot

Tiffany is a research assistant working on viral hepatitis elimination projects in the Barwon South West region. She is passionate about health protection, also working as a public health officer at the Barwon South West Public Health Unit.

Tiffany completed a Bachelor of Biomedicine in 2021 and a Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours) in 2024. Her honours project explored hepatitis C point-of-care testing and financial incentives in community settings. She is pursuing a Doctor of Medicine at Deakin University.

  • 2025–present: Doctor of Medicine (MD), Deakin University, Australia
  • 2024: Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours), Deakin University, Australia
  • 2021: Bachelor of Biomedicine, Victoria University, Australia
  • 2024–present: Research assistant, Burnet Institute
  • 2021–present: Public health officer, Barwon South West Public Health Unit, Barwon Health
  • 2024: Research Poster Award (cohort/population studies research category), Barwon Health Research Symposium