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Associate Professor Suman Majumdar

Chief Health Officer - COVID & Health Emergencies; Deputy Program Director, Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness; Principal Research Fellow
Current Projects
Building a Centre of Excellence for Research and Training for DR-TB in Daru, Papua New Guinea PROJECT
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ESCAPE-TB: Enhanced screening and preventive therapy for TB in Daru, PNG PROJECT
Tackling TB and HIV Together in Papua New Guinea PROJECT
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ANCP: Prevention and care for drug-resistant TB in Myanmar PROJECT
RID-TB: Reducing the Impact of Drug-Resistant TB in Western Province, PNG PROJECT
RID-TB Patient Education and Counselling PROJECT
The EZARET Study: Exploring Zoonotic Association and Risks for Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in PNG PROJECT
Systematic Community-Wide Engagement and Elimination Project for TB (SWEEP-TB) in Daru, Western Province, PNG PROJECT
A close up of a UV light sterilization lamp. Image credit Nor Gal via
Using ultraviolet light to reduce COVID-19 in aged care homes (ELUCIDAR study)
Pathway to Clean Indoor Air
Past Projects
The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19 PROJECT