Stigma Associated with Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among People from Migrant and Ethnic Minority Groups: Results from a Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies.
Douglass CH, Win TM, Goutzamanis S, Lim MSC, Block K, Onsando G, Hellard M, Higgs P, Livingstone C, Horyniak D
Incidence of suicide and self-harm among people with opioid use disorder and the impact of opioid agonist treatment: A retrospective data linkage study.
Colledge-Frisby S, Jones N, Degenhardt L, Hickman M, Padmanathan P, Santo T, Farrell M, Gisev N
Alcohol and Other DrugsExperiences of participation in a longitudinal cohort study of people who inject drugs in Victoria, Australia
Berryman B, Niesen R, Higgs P, Dietze P, Stewart A, Cossar R, & Walker S
HIV risk perception and risk taking among people who inject drugs in Saveh, in Central Iran: findings from a national study
Armoon B, Higgs P, Bayat A-H, Bayani A, Mohammadi R, Ahounbar E
HIV + AIDS Injecting Drug Use