Concordance between self-reported and actual hepatitis C virus infection status in a cohort of people who inject drugs.
O'Keefe D, Aitken C, Higgs P, Dietze P
A cross-sectional study of emergency department visits by people who inject drugs.
Aitken C, Kerr T, Hickman M, Stoové M, Higgs P, Dietze P
Alcohol's involvement in recurrent child abuse and neglect cases.
Laslett AM, Room R, Dietze P, Ferris J
Mobile safe injecting facilities in Barcelona and Berlin.
Dietze P, Winter R, Pedrana A, Leicht A, Majó I Roca X, Brugal MT
Social demography of alcohol-related harm to children in Australia.
Laslett AM, Ferris J, Dietze P, Room R
Know your limits: awareness of the 2009 Australian alcohol guidelines among young people.
Bowring AL, Gold J, Dietze P, Gouillou M, van Gemert C, Hellard ME