A response to: Self-reported and actual hepatitis C virus infection status.
O'Keefe D, Aitken C, Higgs P, Dietze P
Characteristics of medication overdose presentations to the ED: how do they differ from illicit drug overdose and self-harm cases?
Buykx P, Dietze P, Ritter A, Loxley W
An urgent need to scale-up injecting drug harm reduction services in Tanzania: prevalence of blood-borne viruses among drug users in Temeke District, Dar-es-Salaam, 2011.
Bowring AL, Luhmann N, Pont S, Debaulieu C, Derozier S, Asouab F, Toufik A, van Gemert C, Dietze P, Stoove M
The social location of heavy episodic alcohol consumption in the Victorian population.
Matthews S, Dietze P, Room R, Chikritzhs T, Jolley D
The relationship between alcohol use and injecting drug use: impacts on health, crime and wellbeing.
Dietze P, Jenkinson R, Aitken C, Stoové M, Jolley D, Hickman M, Kerr T
The place of volition in addiction: differing approaches and their implications for policy and service provision.
Karasaki M, Fraser S, Moore D, Dietze P