Individual-level needle and syringe coverage in Melbourne, Australia: a longitudinal, descriptive analysis.
O'Keefe D, Scott N, Aitken C, Dietze P
Field engagement further facilitates hepatitis B vaccination completion: Letter in response to: Day et al. (in press).
Higgs P, Doyle J, Luppi J, Dietze P, Hellard M
Take-home naloxone programs and calls to emergency services.
Kirwan A, Curtis M, van Beek IA, Cantwell K, Dietze PM
Understanding trends in Australian alcohol consumption-an age-period-cohort model.
Livingston M, Raninen J, Slade T, Swift W, Lloyd B, Dietze P
An investigation of strategies used in alcohol brand marketing and alcohol-related health promotion on Facebook.
Lim MS, Hare JD, Carrotte ER, Dietze PM