Five-year Changes in Methamphetamine Use, Dependence, and Remission in a Community-recruited Cohort.
Lanyon C, Nambiar D, Higgs P, Dietze P, Quinn B
Effectiveness of an Ecological Momentary Intervention for Reducing Risky Alcohol Consumption Among Young Adults: Protocol for a Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial.
Wright C, Dietze PM, Kuntsche E, Livingston M, Agius PA, Room R, Raggatt M, Hellard M, Lim MSC
Injection drug network characteristics as a predictor of injection behaviour.
Spelman T, Sacks-Davis R, Dietze P, Higgs P, Hellard M
Community pharmacy naloxone supply, before and after rescheduling as an over-the-counter drug: sales and prescriptions data, 2014-2018.
Tse WC, Sanfilippo P, Lam T, Dietze P, Nielsen S
Motivations for crystal methamphetamine-opioid co-injection/co-use amongst community-recruited people who inject drugs: a qualitative study.
Palmer A, Scott N, Dietze P, Higgs P
Correlates of Reduced Alcohol Consumption among a Sample of Young Australians.
Raggatt M, Wright C, Dietze P, Pennay A, Caluzzi G, Lim M