Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Hepatitis C in Clients on Opioid Agonist Therapy in Community Pharmacies Compared to Primary Healthcare in Australia.
Ginnane JF, Scott N, Radley A, Dillon JF, Hellard M, Doyle J
Effectiveness of an expanded role for community health workers on malaria blood examination rates in malaria elimination settings in Myanmar: an open stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial.
Win Han Oo, Htike W, May Chan Oo, Pwint Phyu Phyu, Kyawt Mon Win, Nay Yi Yi Linn, Tun Min, Ei Phyu Htwe, Aung Khine Zaw, Kaung Myat Thu, Galau NH, Cutts JC, Simpson JA, Scott N, O'Flaherty K, Agius PA, Fowkes FJI
MalariaLong-term outcomes of a decentralized, nurse-led, statewide model of care for hepatitis C among people in prison in Victoria, Australia.
MacIsaac MB, Papaluca T, McDonald L, Craigie A, Edwards A, Layton C, Gibson A, Winter RJ, Iyer K, Sim A, Evans S, Kumaragama K, Howell J, Desmond P, Iser D, Scott N, Hellard M, Stoové M, Wilson D, Pedrana A, Doyle JS, Holmes JA, Thompson AJ.
Hepatitis C Injecting Drug Use Justice HealthThe cost-effectiveness of preventing, diagnosing, and treating postpartum haemorrhage: A systematic review of economic evaluations.
Ginnane JF, Aziz S, Sultana S, Allen CL, McDougall A, Eddy KE, Scott N, Vogel JP
Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthOptimising HIV spending in 12 eastern European and central Asian countries: a modelling study.
Ten Brink DC, Bowring AL, Martin-Hughes R, Wulan N, Xiao Y, Burke K, Tidhar T, Walsh T, Kelly SL, Shattock A, Palmer T, Maxim C, Zhang S, Scott N
HIV + AIDSImproving Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance Outcomes in Patients with Cirrhosis after Hepatitis C Cure: A Modelling Study.
Cumming J, Scott N, Howell J, Flores JE, Pavlyshyn D, Hellard ME, Winata LS, Ryan M, Sutherland T, Thompson AJ, Doyle JS, Sacks-Davis R
Hepatitis C