The field performance and diagnostic accuracy of a low-cost instrument-free point-of-care CD4 test (VISITECT(R) CD4) performed by different health worker cadres among pregnant women.
Luchters S, Technau K, Mohamed Y, Chersich MF, Agius PA, Pham MD, Garcia ML, Forbes J, Shepherd A, Coovadia A, Crowe SM, Anderson DA
Prevalence and determinants of unprotected sex in intimate partnerships of men who inject drugs: findings from a prospective intervention study.
Sharma V, Tun W, Sarna A, Saraswati LR, Pham MD, Thior I, Luchters S
Relationship between self-efficacy and HIV testing uptake among young men who have sex with men in Myanmar: a cross-sectional analysis.
Pham MD, Aung PP, Agius PA, Pasricha N, Oo SM, Tun W, Bajracharya A, Luchters S
Factors associated with HIV testing among young men who have sex with men in Myanmar: a cross-sectional study
Pham MD, Aung PP, Paing AK, Pasricha N, Agius PA, Tun W, Bajracharya A, Luchters S
HIV + AIDSDeterminants of knowledge of critical danger signs, safe childbirth and immediate newborn care practices among auxiliary midwives: a cross sectional survey in Myanmar.
Than KK, Morgan A, Pham MD, Beeson JG, Luchters S
Feasibility of antiretroviral treatment monitoring in the era of decentralized HIV care: a systematic review.
Pham MD, Romero L, Parnell B, Anderson DA, Crowe SM, Luchters S