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Associate Professor Jessica Howell

Senior Research Fellow
Current Projects
Protektem Pikinini Blong Yu: Preventing mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B in Vanuatu PROJECT
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Eliminate C Australia- Impact of hepatitis C cure on hepatitis C related liver morbidity and mortality PROJECT
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Liver Cancer Optimal Care Pathway- The OCP HCC Study PROJECT
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Concurrent liver diseases in liver transplant recipients in Australia PROJECT
Barriers to hepatocellular carcinoma screening uptake in Victoria PROJECT
The QuickStart Study PROJECT
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Liver Health Screening Test PROJECT
Modelling for evidence-based national hepatitis B testing plans PROJECT
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Identifying the barriers to hepatitis B clinical management: the perspectives of people with hepatitis B PROJECT
Hepatitis B modelling PROJECT
Past Projects
Rapid-EC hepatitis C Pilot Study PROJECT
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Identifying the structural enablers to the clinical management of people with hepatitis B in general practice: a qualitative investigation PROJECT
The elimination of hepatitis C as a global public health threat PROJECT
Cancer information compared to Hepatitis B information to INcreAse hepatitis B testing in Melbourne’s Chinese community (CHINA-B study) PROJECT