The factors affecting household transmission dynamics and community compliance with Ebola control measures: a mixed-methods study in a rural village in Sierra Leone.
Caleo G, Duncombe J, Jephcott F, Lokuge K, Mills C, Looijen E, Theoharaki F, Kremer R, Kleijer K, Squire J, Lamin M, Stringer B, Weiss HA, Culli D, Di Tanna GL, Greig J
Inpatient signs and symptoms and factors associated with death in children aged 5 years and younger admitted to two Ebola management centres in Sierra Leone, 2014: a retrospective cohort study.
Shah T, Greig J, van der Plas LM, Achar J, Caleo G, Squire JS, Turay AS, Joshy G, D'Este C, Banks E, Vogt F, Lokuge K
Improving mapping for Ebola response through mobilising a local community with self-owned smartphones: Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, January 2015.
Nic Lochlainn LM, Gayton I, Theocharopoulos G, Edwards R, Danis K, Kremer R, Kleijer K, Tejan SM, Sankoh M, Jimissa A, Greig J, Caleo G
Evaluation of Pastorex meningitis kit performance for the rapid identification of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C in Nigeria.
Uadiale K, Bestman A, Kamau C, Caugant DA, Greig J
Implications of differentiated care for successful ART scale-up in a concentrated HIV epidemic in Yangon, Myanmar.
Mesic A, Fontaine J, Aye T, Greig J, Thwe TT, Moretó-Planas L, Kliesckova J, Khin K, Zarkua N, Gonzalez L, Guillergan EL, O'Brien DP
Ebola management centre proximity associated with reduced delays of healthcare of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) patients, Tonkolili, Sierra Leone, 2014-15.
Theocharopoulos G, Danis K, Greig J, Hoffmann A, De Valk H, Jimissa A, Tejan S, Sankoh M, Kleijer K, Turner W, Achar J, Duncombe J, Lokuge K, Gayton I, Broeder R, Kremer R, Caleo G