Low knowledge of newborn danger signs among pregnant women in Papua New Guinea and implications for health seeking behaviour in early infancy - findings from a longitudinal study.
Eghrari D, Scoullar MJL, Wilson AN, Peach E, Elijah A, Melepia P, SupSup H, Vallely LM, Siba PM, Kennedy EC, Vogel JP, Homer CSE, Robinson LJ, Fowkes FJI, Pomat W, Crabb BS, Beeson JG, Morgan CJ
Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthCorrigendum: Fc engineered ACE2-Fc is a potent multifunctional agent targeting SARS-CoV2.
Wines BD, Kurtovic L, Trist HM, Esparon S, Lopez E, Chappin K, Chan LJ, Mordant FL, Lee WS, Gherardin NA, Patel SK, Hartley GE, Pymm P, Cooney JP, Beeson JG, Godfrey DI, Burrell LM, van Zelm MC, Wheatley AK, Chung AW, Tham WH, Subbarao K, Kent SJ, Hogarth PM
COVID-19The direct binding of Plasmodium vivax AMA1 to erythrocytes defines a RON2-independent invasion pathway.
Lee SK, Low LM, Andersen JF, Yeoh LM, Valenzuela Leon PC, Drew DR, Doehl JSP, Calvo E, Miller LH, Beeson JG, Gunalan K
MalariaTargeting malaria parasites with novel derivatives of azithromycin.
Burns AL, Sleebs BE, Gancheva M, McLean KT, Siddiqui G, Venter H, Beeson JG, O'Handley R, Creek DJ, Ma S, Frölich S, Goodman CD, McFadden GI, Wilson DW
The RTS,S malaria vaccine: Current impact and foundation for the future.
Beeson JG, Kurtovic L, Valim C, Asante KP, Boyle MJ, Mathanga D, Dobano C, Moncunill G
Asia-Pacific ICEMR: Understanding Malaria Transmission to Accelerate Malaria Elimination in the Asia Pacific Region.
Mueller I, Vantaux A, Karl S, Laman M, Witkowski B, Pepey A, Vinit R, White M, Barry A, Beeson JG, Robinson LJ